Training course C


This MUFITS training course is designed for researchers and students working in numerical modeling of underground CO2 storage and hydrothermal fields. The course program consists of 5 days during which the sample simulation scenarios are worked through. The emphasis is done on EOS modules BLACKOIL, GASSTORE, T2EOS1 and BINMIXT.

Note, the course is designed for MUFITS version 2015.G. Generally, you cannot run the sample simulations, given in this document, using an older version of the simulator, because full backward and forward compatibility is not supported.

Copy the last versions of simulator executables to the SIMULATIONS/BIN folder before running simulations associated with the training course.

Associated files

File Version Description
CourseC.pdf 2015.G The training course documentation.
CourseC-Day1.pdf 2015.G Presentation. Day 1.
CourseC-Day2.pdf 2015.G Presentation. Day 2.
CourseC-Day3.pdf 2015.G Presentation. Day 3.
CourseC-Day4.pdf 2015.G Presentation. Day 4.
CourseC-Day5.pdf 2015.G Presentation. Day 5.
SIMULATIONS.rar 2015.G The working directory and the RUN-files.