1st SPE Comparative Study


1st SPE Comparative Study The problem from the SPE-9723-PA paper is a basic test for three-phase three-dimensional Black-Oil modelling technique. The problem description can be found in: Odeh, A. 1981 Comparison of Solutions to a Three-Dimensional Black-Oil Reservoir Simulation Problem. JPT 33, 13-25. DOI:10.2118/9723-PA. We consider only case 2 of the comarative study with variable bubble-point pressure. The problem involves oil production from a three-layer initially undersaturated reservoir. There are 300 grid blocks in total (grid: 10*10*3). The porosity and permeability for every layer are given. There are two vertical wells in the simulation located in the opposite corners of the domain. Gas is injected in the top layer, whereas oil is produced from the bottom layer. The gas injection results in swelling of oil and in gas sweep towards production well. The oil and gas production rates, bottom-hole pressures, GOR, pressure and gas saturation in grid blocks (1,1,1) and (10,10,3), and also cross-sectional distributions in the top and middle layers should be reported.


Associated files

File Version Description
SPE1.RUN 2015.D Input file for the 1st SPE Comparative Study (case 2).
SPE1.pvsm - ParaView state file for the output visualization and postprocessing.

Screenshots and animated figures


  1. Odeh, A. 1981 Comparison of Solutions to a Three-Dimensional Black-Oil Reservoir Simulation Problem. JPT 33, 13-25. DOI:10.2118/9723-PA
  2. Afanasyev, A. 2015 Hydrodynamic modelling of petroleum reservoirs using simulator MUFITS. Energy Procedia. 76: 427-435. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.861.