6th SPE Comparative Study


6th SPE Comparative Study The problem from the SPE-18741-PA paper is a test for modelling fractured petroleum reservoirs. The problem description can be found in: Firoozabadi, A., Thomas, L.K. 1989 Sixth SPE Comparative Solution Project: Dual-Porosity Simulators // J. Pet. Tech. 43(6). 710-764. DOI: 10.2118/18741-PA. It involves a 2D cross-section two-phase (water injection) or three-phase (depletion) study. In the case of water injection, the injection well is placed on the left and the production well is placed on the right. The oil displacement results in a rapid water breakthrough to the production well through the fractures media. After the breakthrough, there is still a relatively large oil production rate due to gravity drainage which time scale is comparable with the time scale of the scenario. In the case of depletion scenario there is a single production well. The oil-gas surface tension dependence on pressure is taken into account. We apply dual-porosity option to these scenarios with simplified relative permeability data (the orientational or hysteresis effects are not simulated). Therefore, direct comparison with the SPE paper is not possible, but nevertheless these studies are used for the code verification. The oil and gas production rates, bottom-hole pressure, gas-oil ratio and water cut should be reported.


Associated files

File Version Description
SPE6-WATINJ0.RUN 2017.A Input file for the 6th SPE Comparative Study (Water injection case). This is a simplified statement of the problem that does not account for complicated relative permeability functions.
SPE6-DEPLETION0.RUN 2017.A Input file for the 6th SPE Comparative Study (Depletion case). This is a simplified statement of the problem that does not account for complicated relative permeability functions.

Screenshots and animated figures


  1. Firoozabadi, A., Thomas, L.K. 1989 Sixth SPE Comparative Solution Project: Dual-Porosity Simulators // J. Pet. Tech. 43(6). 710-764. DOI: 10.2118/18741-PA.