User-supplied EoS-modules


Equation of state module These examples demonstrate the possibility of MUFITS linking with user-supplied shared libraries, i.e., EoS-modules, for the phase equilibria and other fluid properties prediction. Both explicit correlations and tabulated data for the fluid parameters can be implemented in the libraries. An iterative approach, which for example is based on the phase equilibria calculation through the Gibbs energy minimisation, can also be used in the EoS-module. A considerable effort has been undertaken to minimise the number of program procedures exported by the shared library. This should facilitate and ease usage of the software extension by scientific community. Furthermore, we supplement the modelling option with the source code for a couple of simple EoS-modules that can serve as templates in different modelling and software development efforts. We apply these modules in the benchmark studies 1 and 2. The first study concerns a 1-D flow of a multicomponent gas and the second study involves two-phase flow of immiscible fluids. The EoS-modules are also useful for coupling MUFITS with other elaborate software for fluid properties prediction. To demonstrate such possibility, we supplement the article with the source code of a more complicated EoS-module that couples MUFITS with the geochemical code GEMS3K. This module is used in a simple benchmark study 3 showing MUFITS capabilities for modelling reactive transport in porous media. The details of this modelling option are given in the attached paper draft.

File Version Description
USEREOS-1PHASE.RUN 2021.A Input file for Benchmark study 1 (see sect. 3.1).
USEREOS-1PHASE.CONFIG 2021.A Configuration file for Benchmark study 1 (see sect. 3.1).
USEREOS-1PHASE.f90 2021.A Source code for Benchmark study 1 (see sect. 3.1).
USEREOS-1PHASE.DLL 2021.A Compiled shared library for Benchmark study 1 (see sect. 3.1). 2021.A All files for Benchmark study 1 (see sect. 3.1).
USEREOS-2PHASE.RUN 2021.A Input file for Benchmark study 2 (see sect. 3.2).
USEREOS-2PHASE.CONFIG 2021.A Configuration file for Benchmark study 2 (see sect. 3.2).
USEREOS-2PHASE.f90 2021.A Source code for Benchmark study 2 (see sect. 3.2).
USEREOS-2PHASE.DLL 2021.A Compiled shared library for Benchmark study 2 (see sect. 3.2). 2021.A All files for Benchmark study 2 (see sect. 3.2).
USEREOS-GEMS3K.RUN 2021.A Input file for Benchmark study 3 (see sect. 4).
USEREOS-GEMS3K.DLL 2021.A Compiled shared library for Benchmark study 3 (see sect. 4). 2021.A Configuration files for Benchmark study 3 (see sect. 4). The main file is gems-data.lst. 2021.A Source code of the shared library for Benchmark study 3 (see sect. 4).


  1. Afanasyev A., Utkin I. 2021 Using user-supplied modules for fluid properties prediction with the MUFITS reservoir simulator. Preprint. To be submitted.
  2. GEMS3K: Standalone Solver of Chemical Equilibria for Coupled Simulation Codes