No. A complete User’s Guide does not exist. The keywords syntax is periodically changing because of the rapid development of the code in the past years. Therefore, an actual User’s Guide requires a lot of time for support. The existing documents for the simulator are summarized in the Documentation section of this website. You are also encouraged to review the Examples in order to understand the input data syntax.
No. The interactive preprocessor development cannot be expected in the upcoming 2 years. The work on the postprocessor (a 3D visualization tool) is going on now.
You must have MPICH preinstalled on your laptop. The MPICH installation on your system must be in agreement with the version used for the code compilation. The code is compiled with version 1.3.2 of MPICH. Therefore, try to install this or a later version of MPICH. There must be no problems on running the simulator on a laptop. The problems can appear if you try to run the simulator on a supercomputer. Contact via e-mail the author of MUFITS if you need a specific compilation of the simulator for your system.
The particular procedure for installing the simulator is not required. Just download and copy the simulator executable in a directory on your system.
You must prepare a text file, which describes the computational problem you want to solve (this RUN-file should have extension .RUN). The description of the problem is given using keywords – a script language. The file is linked to the simulator as a command line argument. Every keyword in the RUN-file is a command to the simulator during execution.
No. You can use only the EOS-file to specify the thermophysical properties of the mixture. At the present time, the EOS-file is available only for the CO2-H2O binary mixture. Therefore, you can run the simulations only for the CO2-H2O mixture.
Perhaps you specified an incorrect keyword in the RUN-file. Inspect the LOG-file. The simulator must report an error (or a warning) in the LOG-file if you specify something incorrectly in the RUN-file. The simulator also provides a brief description of an incorrect keyword or data item, which may give you a clue about your mistake.
A good (linear) acceleration can be achived if the number of cells, distributed for every node, is not less than about 10000.
The only developer of the MUFITS code is Andrey Afanasyev.
MUFITS is developed mainly using Fortran-90. However, some parts of the code are developed using C\C++.
The following open source libraries are used in hydrodynamic module of the simulator:
A limited support is available by e-mail communication with the developer of the code.
If you are sure that you disclosed a bug then e-mail to the developer of MUFITS the RUN-file, which results in the bug. Please, also report in the e-mail the version of the code, that you are using and which thing is executed wrong by your opinion.
You can use MUFITS only under the terms of the End user license agreement. Also a lot of work was done to test MUFITS and check it accuracy, by using MUFITS you acknowledge that MUFITS simulator is a research tool still in the development stage. MUFITS is being supplied "as is", without any accompanying services or improvements. The author of MUFITS doesn’t make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed using MUFITS.